Mission Blue
On the journey towards sustainability
When ecological values forge a new global identity, we’re on board. When the packaging industry embraces an intelligent, well-functioning circular economy to achieve ambitious climate targets, we’re on board. This is also what our Mission Blue stands for. Out of respect for people and the environment, we are committed to taking action – as a sustainable company with sustainable machines and as a development partner for sustainable packaging.

Our goal – our mission
Action originates from a mindset. This is what Schubert stands for. And what Mission Blue is all about – backed by our entire Schubert team. From management to HR and production, to the creative minds behind our technologies and packaging solutions. In this video, you’ll gain insight on the sustainability goals we are striving to achieve and how we are already implementing many of them.
Sustainability in concrete terms – four strategic fields of action
Schubert has defined four fields of action to translate the Mission Blue initiative into specific, tangible measures and verifiable facts. They encompass environmental, business-related and social aspects and are based on the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) – the United Nations’ global goals for sustainable development. A team made up of several corporate divisions works in each field of action and is coordinated by a Schubert employee. Together, those responsible set targets for measurable sustainable activities, drive the process forward – together in partnerships – evaluate the results, and prepare our next sustainability report. You can find out more about the fields of action here:
Mission Blue in brief
Because people and the environment are both important to us
As a family business that thinks in terms of generations, sustainability has always been of great importance to us and is firmly anchored in our corporate vision. In recent years, this importance has grown significantly, which is why we will be doing even more to live up to this responsibility with our Mission Blue Sustainability Initiative.

We consider ourselves a true partner for our customers, enabling them to achieve their sustainability goals with the right machines and packaging.
Marcel Kiessling
Managing Director Schubert
News and background on sustainability
Find out about the latest news and trends regarding sustainability in the packaging industry right here. From expert interviews on the future of packaging to practical examples of the resource-saving use of packaging materials and the latest facts on the implementation of the sustainability strategy at Schubert.
Sustainability is a global responsibility and obligation
Inspiring customers with sustainable packaging solutions is one aspect of our responsibility. The other is a commitment to act just as sustainably in operational management. Schubert takes this very seriously. And this is why we are committed to the United Nations’ 17 Sustainable Development Goals. In our four fields of sustainability action, we have initiated concrete measures that support these ambitious goals in various ways. It is very important to us that there is real change behind our goal. A development that brings a sustainable world a little closer, not only for Schubert, but for everyone.
03 Good health and well being
The health and wellbeing of all our employees is extremely important to us. Thanks to their ongoing dedication, they are the ones who ensure that Schubert continues to be successful. Find out what our Company Physician Dr Winfried Imminger has to say about this:
04 Quality education
For us, education means lifelong learning and ongoing opportunities to keep evolving. At Schubert, this often spans throughout an entire working life. Listen to what our employees Jessica Göller, Management Assistant, and Fitter Luca Blümlein have to say about it:
05 Gender equality
Understanding technology and strong leadership skills have nothing to do with gender. And we support women just as naturally as we do men. Our HR Manager Jenny Wacker explains how we promote and live gender equality at Schubert:
07 Affordable and clean energy
Environmentally friendly energy sources are one of the most important building blocks for a sustainable future. Only by switching to clean energies will we be able to produce in a way that climate-neutral here at Schubert in the future. Reiner Weidmann, Head of Central Purchasing, highlights some of our current projects:
08 Decent work and economic growth
If you want to do a great job, you need a safe workplace. One with the right health and safety equipment and that meets the latest standards. See what Jens Stoll, our Head of Technical Organisation, has to say about this:
09 Industry, innovation and infrastructure
Innovation and Schubert are inseparable. We create the space, the time and the freedom required to support the development of ground-breaking technologies for the packaging industry. Listen to Benjamin Brand, Cooperative Robotics Developer, describe the Cobot team’s mandate:
10 Reduced inequalities
As an internationally active company, we also take on considerable international responsibilities. Reducing unequal working conditions in different countries is a very important goal for us. Find out what our Chinese Project Manager Ping Meng has to say about this:
12 Responsible consumption and production
Millions of packages are used every day all around the globe. And they represent huge potential for more sustainability. One that we are consistently focusing on with our innovative packaging solutions. Packaging Developer Valentin Köhler tells us how:
13 Climate action
We strive to live sustainability in everything we do and we will be doing many things differently than in the past. A very tangible goal for us is certification in compliance with the Greenhouse Gas Protocol. See what Peter Schubert, Assistant Technical Director, has to say about this:
17 Partnerships for the goals
We can only achieve our climate goals through joint effort and collaboration. Constructive partnerships are essential for us to be able to develop and advance real solutions. Our Applications Engineer Laura Gascho explains why: