Due to the scalability of the modular system, the actual overall operating costs of a Schubert packaging line are considered to be an excellent long-term investment.
Mark Stepney
Managing Director, Schubert UK Limited

UK market specifics
The British market is not significantly different from other markets. “Flexibility, performance and efficiency continue to be the cornerstones of any investment,” says Mark Stepney. “Recently, investments are being considered under slightly different circumstances. Many of our customers now expect longer payback periods and are planning investments from a long-term perspective. This allows our customers to purchase highly efficient, more powerful equipment, safe in the knowledge that it has been ‘future proofed’ by Schubert.”
“In the past, many small to medium-sized companies assumed that Schubert machines were simply too expensive for them. Now fully informed, these companies recognise that the reality is quite the contrary. To the extent that this has become our largest growing market segment in recent years.” says Mark Stepney. “The benefits that Schubert technology offers apply perfectly to such users. Due to the Schubert modular philosophy, our solutions can grow as our customers rate of growth demand. On this basis, cost models are now perceived differently and they are better understood. The actual overall operating cost of a Schubert packaging line is considered to be an excellent, long-term investment.” he adds.
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Schubert UK Ltd
1740 Solihull Parkway
Birmingham Business Park
Birmingham B37 7YD