How do kids imagine the Future of Packaging? Together with the Hohenloher Tagblatt newspaper, Schubert is now organising a painting contest for this fall. And, of course, there are exciting prizes to be won!
Completed submissions, including privacy policy and consent from a parent or guardian, should be sent by e-mail to
Conditions for participation in the Schubert Painting Contest
These conditions apply to participation in the 2023 Schubert Painting Contest.
The Painting Contest is organised by Gerhard Schubert GmbH ("Organiser") and Südwest Presse Hohenlohe ("Co-Organiser"). Further information on the Organiser can be found here: and on the Co-Organiser here:
Declaration of consent by parents
Declaration of consent by parents/legal guardians for participation in the Schubert Painting Contest