Shaping the future together
Dear readers,
Innovation is our passion and drive for sustainable growth. In 2017, we built 126 packaging systems for customers from a wide range of industries around the world, whereby we repeatedly installed our latest module, the Flowmodul. This success confirms the importance of our innovative technology in the marketplace, setting new standards in terms of flexibility.
Meanwhile, we further developed our flow-wrap bagging system: The Flowmodul development is characterised by, amongst other things, optimised machine accessibility. With the next development step, customers can also use heat-seal film with temperature-sensitive products such as chocolate and with products that are sensitive to performance variations in the feed characteristics, thus saving on material costs. Read more on page 6.
We are responding to digitalisation with the expansion of a comprehensive range of services and the creation of our digital platform GRIPS.world. This platform is steadily taking shape: From May 2018, all TLM machines will be able to connect to GRIPS.world via the Internet, raising service levels and plant availability to unprecedented levels. To guarantee your data security, genua GmbH, a subsidiary of the Federal Printing Office in Germany, worked together with Schubert System Elektronik to develop the GS.Gate, an industrial gateway. The GS.Gate is one of the world's best products for networked machines and IT security. Read more on page 18.
As a trendsetter and market leader, we are constantly striving to break new ground with both passion and courage. We want to make the advantages of our TLM systems available to other customer and market segments. We are therefore currently developing two new and unique robots. Find out more in the next issue.
We hope you enjoy reading this issue of Sequence.
Marcel Kiessling, Gerhard Schubert, Ralf Schubert, Peter Gabriel