Flexible packaging into flowpacks with the Schubert Flowpacker
The flowpack, formed and sealed with film, is one of the most frequently used types of packaging for food applications. Depending on the product, the flowpack film needs to fulfil certain functions in order to provide prolonged freshness of the goods and protect them from environmental influences. Today, in addition to the tried & tested cold- and heat-seal films, a wide range of other flowpack films are available – from recyclable monofilms made from a single plastic, to paper-based films and even very thick high-barrier films for products that need to be packaged in a modified atmosphere. This can be a challenge for manufacturers who have to change their flowpack films frequently as many packaging machines only use a single sealing technology. This is precisely why Schubert designed its Flowpacker flow-wrapping machine so that the sealing systems can be easily exchanged via plug & play. This enables manufacturers to efficiently switch between conventional and recyclable films and ideally position themselves on the market with the right packaging.

For longitudinal sealing, the Schubert flow-wrapping machine uses ultrasonic technology or, alternatively, sealing technology with ceramic heating elements.

Flexible sealing technology is suitable for recyclable monofilms and for products with a high requirement for seal seam quality.