Im Rahmen der Jubiläumsfeierlichkeiten der Schubert Packaging Systems fand am 15. Juli eine große Galaveranstaltung exklusiv für die Mitarbeiterinnen und Mitarbeiter sowie Pensionäre nebst Partnerinnen und Partnern auf dem Firmengelände statt.

With its three independent divisions – Turnkey, Schubert-Pharma and Schubert-Consulting – the Gerhard Schubert GmbH subsidiary implements customised packaging solutions for numerous customers all over the world.

Olaf Horrenberger (left) and Johannes Schubert (right), the company founder’s grandson, are both Managing Directors of Schubert Packaging Systems GmbH, which is celebrating its 50th anniversary this year.

Some 200 guests were pampered by Harald Wohlfahrts’ three-star cuisine and the evening’s entertainment programme featured renowned international artists and performers.