Fast automation with the tog.519 from Schubert
In times of widespread labour shortages, which can lead to production bottlenecks, intelligent solutions are required. this can lead to production bottlenecks. With the tog.519 cobot, Gerhard Schubert now offers a hassle-free and highly flexible technology to efficiently close automation gaps. The mobile robot is an entirely autonomous system that can be set up at any location in production. Either free-standing or in a protective cell, alternatively combined to form an entire cobot line or even to supplement third-party systems and robots from other manufacturers.

Picking up unsorted products using pick & place tools immediately eliminates the need for the otherwise time-consuming product pre-sortation – making the entire packaging process more efficient.

The tog.519 can also feed fragile chocolate figures to a wrapping machine, with 3D-printed pick & place tools ensuring gentle handling.

The cobot is an entirely autonomous system that can be set up at any location in production. Either free-standing or in a protective cell, alternatively combined to form an entire cobot line or even to supplement third-party systems and robots from other manufacturers.