The specialists at Schubert working on a cobot called tog.519. From left to right: Daniel Greb, Volker Haaf, Achraf Ben Salem.
The tog.519 in test operation
By the end of 2019, some customers will already be using the tog.519 to conduct test runs. “The decisive advantage for our customers is that the cobot can be commissioned very easily,” says Ralf Schubert. “We supply all the components for the full cobot system: a small container, an infeed conveyor and the cooperative robot. Our customers can use a special app to commission their cobots without the need to program them.”
“We will be presenting our cobot for the first time at the interpack 2021 fair,” says Ralf Schubert. Further collaborative or cooperative robots could be developed to follow the tog.519, such as robots for heavier weights and potentially also for automatically loading magazines with blanks.
Ralf Schubert is quite certain: “Our togs are getting increasingly smarter. It will only be a matter of time before smart cobots will be able to train themselves to carry out packaging tasks.”
tog.519 data:
- Full system with controller for robot, image processing and peripherals (e.g. infeed conveyors)
- Output: 80 cycles per minute
- Product weight under 700 grams
- 5 NC axes, decentralised servo module
- Cameras for image processing integrated into the robot
- No programming for image processing, learns through artificial intelligence
- Able to reach into the case (bin picking)
- Space-saving and easy to position in the production environment
- Easy to program and commission robots and peripherals
- Price of the full cobot system less than 90,000 euros
- Cloud connection possible
Typical tasks:
- Setting up bottles and putting them in pucks
- Placing products into boxes
- Unstacking trays
- Placing pouches into a cartoner chain
- Separating parts such as covers and pumps from shampoo bottles
- Correcting the position and alignment of products
- Monitoring product quality and discarding imperfect products
- Simple implementation tasks